My Precipitous First Birth!
And then I just remember hearing the number 8. I was already dilated to 8 CM. My heart dropped and I immediately yelled “Please let me have the epidural, please!”
My Spontaneous Labor Story!
It was almost scary to feel my body internally take over like that with little to no “effort” on my end. It was so intense and unreal to experience. I birthed my son standing up in less than 10 minutes.
The Birth of Adeline Rae
Grief and regret post traumatic birth is a VERY real thing… I experienced it after the birth of my son! This is why I worked so hard and prayed for God’s blessings and protection over the birth of my daughter.
When To Call/Text Your Doula
You’re probably asking yourself how you’ll know when labor has truly begun. What signs should you be watching for? And when should you call or text your doula(s)? When should you call your midwife/OB?
A Healing + Redemptive Birth {Birth Story}
Trauma is magnified in pregnancy… especially past pregnancy, loss and/or birth trauma. Trauma leads us to be safety-seeking asking ourselves “what can I do so this doesn’t happen again?”.
Changing the Perception of Birth for Future Generations {A Birth Story}
I was 41 weeks pregnant with my fourth baby, feeling admittedly miserable and tired of the swelling and pelvic pain.
Placenta Encapsulation {+ other options}
The placenta is a nutrient-rich organ that develops in the uterus during pregnancy. The placenta supplies oxygen and blood flow to your baby, cleansing it of unwanted toxins and boosting baby’s metabolism.
Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy {the most important postpartum appointment for mother}
Pelvic floor physical therapy is gaining in popularity, but what is it really about and why is it the most important postpartum appointment that you will make for yourself?
Packing Your Birth Bag
One of the most asked questions we get in our prenatal meetings with moms is "What should I pack for the hospital (or birthing center)?"
The Ultimate Fourth Trimester Guide
I had my second baby this in November of 2020! Now that I’ve had two postpartum experiences, I decided to put together a guide for the fourth trimester.
Writing Your Birth Plan
If you’re pregnant, you’ve probably heard about birth plans… but what exactly is a birth plan? Why might you need or want one? And what should be included in one?
Reflecting On My Home Birth - One Year Later {Birth Story}
On January 1, 2022, we were outside taking down all of our Christmas decorations. The inside was already done that morning. My due date was Jan. 4th. I wanted everything clean and ready, just in case.
My Experience With A Tongue-Tied Baby (Guest Post)
Prior to 2021, I was only vaguely aware of tongue ties. I knew people could have them and get them revised, but I didn’t know what kind of problems they caused other than maybe speech issues.