Placenta capsules, placenta salve, placenta tincture, placenta print, and umbilical cord keepsake

Placenta Encapsulation

Ingesting your placenta can be very beneficial to a mother adjusting to the physical and emotional demands of parenting a newborn as well as helping her heal from her birth, no matter the type of birth she experienced. Though the research on placenta ingestion is very limited, there is a large amount of women who agree that it greatly benefited them during the postpartum period!

primary benefits some mothers notice while taking their placenta capsules are:

  • Increased energy and less fatigue

  • Increase in breastmilk production

  • Higher iron levels

  • Decreases postnatal bleeding, encourages healing and recovery

  • Decrease in ‘baby blues’, postpartum depression, and postpartum anxiety

  • Lower risk of postpartum hemorrhage

  • Hormonal regulation

  • Can provide natural post-birth pain relief

  • Increased energy and libido

  • Improved quality sleep

  • Increase in a stress-reducing hormone, CRH (Corticotrophin Releasing Hormone)

  • Increased production of oxytocin (the ‘love hormone’) which can promote bonding with your baby

Our Process

We use the Traditional Chinese Method (TCM) of Placenta Encapsulation.

We start by gently rinsing the placenta of blood clots, removing the membranes and cord, and draining excess blood from the vessels. The placenta is then fully steamed with water to 160 degrees. Next, we slice the placenta into thin strips and place them in a single layer on racks in a dehydrator. We dehydrate clients’ placentas on 160 degrees until fully dehydrated, usually overnight for 10-12 hours, depending on the size of the placenta and the slices. Then the dehydrated slices are ground finely using an electric grinder. Once the placenta is finely ground, the powder is put into vegetarian capsules, the capsules into a glass jar, and the jar into your hands (along with recommended dosage and instructions).

More Information

The Cost for Placenta Encapsulation Services is $250.

We also offer these items that can be added on to Placenta Encapsulation Services:

Placenta Tincture ($25)

Placenta Salve ($20)

Placenta Print - unframed ($10)

Placenta Print - framed in natural, white, or black ($40)

Umbilical Cord Keepsake ($10)

Wildflower Seed with Placenta Powder for Burial ($30)

Placenta Keepsake Package

Investment: $250

If you aren’t interested in consuming your placenta, but would like to have keepsakes from it, you can consider our Placenta Keepsake Package which includes:

  • One framed Placenta Print

  • Umbilical Cord Keepsake

  • Wildflower seed with placenta powder for burial

Training & Accreditation

Kristian received her Placenta Encapsulation training through The Association of Placenta Preparation Arts (APPA) in 2019. We maintain a sanitized workspace according to the requirements of APPA and Bloodborne Pathogens Training.

For more information on Placenta Encapsulation and other things you can do with your placenta, click below.